Category Archives: Sports

A leap of faith

Why is it that any supposedly “planned” end zone celebration draws a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct in the National Football League — except the Lambeau Leap?

The self-indulgent end zone dances, contortions and mini-celebrations are excused by the officials, but anything that looks as if it has been rehearsed or otherwise planned draws a flag. However, when any member of the Green Bay Packers scores and then leaps into the stands to be adored by the fans and have his image captured by the ever-present cameras he is given a pass. And, this is true no matter which officiating crew is on duty.

Given the fact this has been a planned, and oft-repeated, celebration for years, it is not even debatable whether it is spontaneous. Perhaps the fact that the activity is such a darling of the TV media that supports the NFL buys it a pass.